Thursday, November 5, 2009

The curious case of PTS Sasuke

So me and bass were talking the other day and we started talking who was really just top tier in nh3/the best pts guys. So were going down the list through the obvious guys (Itachi, Neji and all 3 of them boys in the green suits to name a few), but then he said Sasuke and I had to beg to differ.

True in nh3 Sasuke had sharingan for a super which totally replenished his chakra, plus made him a powered up and much faster version of you (unless he couldn't take your moves during which he became a much more OD version of himself) AND the devastating X-Dash, nuetral O ~ Ougi setup, but there was something about sasuke that I'd told bass a million times and maybe her forgot: for all intents and purposes sasuke can't hit you.

Now I don't mean you can move in such a way where he can't hit you and I'm not talking about some zen-like way at looking at things, I mean seriously if you do one simple thing the guy can't hit you. Now I'm aware that a lot of you probably haven't realized this and if you did then this is for those still in the dark.

The trick to totally and utterly shutting down pts sasuke is.....

Hold Block.

I'm serious, that's it. Now I know it sounds like a pro-tip but I do have a little more sense then that. Pay attention you guys...

At this point in the game I'm sure you're all familiar with the games "option select" system when you're holding block. We talked about it in the latest episode of Rendan Radio, but basically its a feature in the game that makes it so if you're holding block and you do anything else at the same time? Then in certain situations the game will "choose" the better option and do it for you.

There's no better example of this then holding down the block button and pressing jump. If you press jump while holding down block you'll jump, but if someone were to attack you right as you left the ground the game would automaticaly cancel what ever you were doing and block for you.

There are other situations where the "option select" works out as well, but this example in particular is the reason why pts sasuke can never hit you.

None of his chains have guard breaking enders so right there you don't have anything to worry about, but even his other options for getting to you are totally worthless.

Basically you can hold block against sasuke and tap the X-Button after every hit in his chain. If he tries to get slick and stop the chain to grab you or gaurd break you'll jump right out of the way 100% of the time, and he's actually at a disadvantage if you jump out of the way of his breaker as it leaves him open to an X-dash or D.I.'d hawk from characters such as pts lee and pts neji.

Granted he could square cancel the Ox3,down+O chain and go for a guaranteed breaker or throw, but even if he did it 100% of the time the breaker is extremely easy to knj and if they tech it your hope for any real damage is lost. Also winning a game with throws only is highly unlikely, even if it wasn't also very easy to knj.

I'm probably gonna put a video up this weekend depicting just exactly all the things I'm talking about in detail

(Watch this space for vid)

Now am I saying he's the worst guy in the game? Or that he can't win? No way. You just are gonna have a much harder time then anyone else and you have to be very patient.

You wanna use hawks to play footsies with your opponent, get them to a place where they're annoyed with being pinned down or having to block and they start to come into the air after you. Sasuke's aerial nuetral O has insane priority and can just be kind of thrown out there to stuff anything the opponent throws at you. Take the fight to the air, if you hit a combo and bounce them off the wall that's an opportunity for way more damage then you'd get from trying to have a ground game.

Also be very mindful of your opponents attack patterns, namely when they throw shurikens. Since its going to be really hard to just outright attack someone who knows to just block against sasuke, you have to make openings. Luckily sasuke is fast enoungh to hit X-dash, nuetral O, then hit the ground and go into any chain you see fit. You'll be tempted to just hit X-dash, nuetral O~Ougi but watch yourself and make sure you can end the match with it or put the opponent in a position to be finished off quickly there after because as you should know CS1 drains life and more importantly leaves you chakra-less at the end of the mode. CS2 is another option if your life is low and I would say go with it as he has better defense and much more options to inflict damage with then normal sasuke, but be mindful of your chakra as it takes 2 lvls to land. CS2 or not, it doesn't matter if you don't have any chakra.

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