Wednesday, November 11, 2009

3rd and Final NA3 video until December 3rd!

Or at least the last one we'll be getting from the BandaiNamco site =( .

Gah its a mere 29 days away and I'm dying to play!

Check it out!

As you can see the video shows off the double team jutsu of Kakashi and the 4th (Double Rasengan) as well as a glimpse at 2 of Juugo's aerial attacks and his awakening.

Double Team Moves

First off, as seen in previous videos, the double team moves are able to be performed when two characters who are actually able to do them are in the right proximity to one another (which can be seen by the "chakra tether" that connects the both of them). It looks pretty crazy as you can see in the video at exactly the 00:35 mark, you can be a pretty decent amount of space away from each other and still perform it. I wonder what happens when there's an enemy between you or if you do it from far away, do they both do the attack towards the enemy and "crush" him? Or do they just "teleport" and appear at their partners side? Either way that's pretty cool as you can use it for big damage or to "call" your partner to you if they're in some deep shit.

Juugo Aerials
We got to see two of his aerials and they both bounced the shit out of you lol. Though I really don't know which one is the down+O aerial as he has one that just slams you and another where he hits once first and then slams. Either way if he has an aerial jutsu he could be crazy with the untechables! I would comment on the awakening but as soon as it's put on, he gets ougi'd lol but its whatever.

Directional Influence
Bass kind of bought this up before in the idea or thought that when you shuriken cancel does it still track the person that knj'd? or always go forward on a count of there being more then one target in multiplayer...

Well this doesn't answer it but it could give some incite, (starting at 00:31 right as Juugo lands), it looks as if he does his up+O attack and then in mid attack turns and attacks the other way. Judging by this it seems that you can directional influence your attacks in mid motion. There are 2 questions though if that is the case. 1. Can you change directions on your attacks even on hit? or does it "lock" the direction on the target once the first hit catches them?


2. Is this also the case in 1v1?

I really doubt that it is. In 1v1 the game should (if cyberconnect is smart!) run the same as the original games with the same block locking, shuriken cancels, etc. mechanics as it did before since there aren't any other characters for you to attack. It certainly seemed that way in the first vid as naruto's X-dashes "tracked" kakashi everytime he did it.

Either way that could take some getting used to but it could actually make some of the characters who suck in 1v1 be pretty good in a multiplayer situation!


The 4th hits his ougi in the video and lets just get it out of the way, it was short and the music didn't change... so the fuck what.

I say this because I know that we're gonna be drowning in tears for the next few posts about it, but whatever. What you need to do is look at the ougi itself and whats changed. The "Seals" look completely easy, though it also looks like a race to see who hits them all first. This was seen in earlier scans but its good to see it in motion.

After the seals are over you can see who had the higher percent (though you can't see Juugo's because the video of the actors are in the way) and I guess the damage is doled out from there. What is very interesting though is the kanji that appears on the screen as every hit connects in the ougi.. I wonder, are those points where you can time your block or something like a knj and reduce damage? I could be blowing smoke but I wonder why that's there...

Also interesting is that after you hit ougi, red orbs pop out of the opponent and they actually give you life back! Now I really hope that this is in team mode only so that maybe your partner can pick up some of the health you dropped because, real talk, in 1v1 why the fuck should I get life after I already took maybe a third of yours? I'm just saying lol

I end this one as I end all my NA3 related posts...

December 10th can't come fast enough =(

-Rockman Out-

1 comment:

  1. Amazing analysis Rockman.

    Anyways, it appears that Raikiri will be chargeable after all (Maybe it'll retain a little property from accel2?), something I didn't know before, and I find it a little amusing that They still didn't make an ougi for Jugo yet (as there are no flames on the chakra bar), even though the game is only a month before release. The katakana during the ougi seems interesting, maybe the ougi is incomplete, maybe something similar to UNS?

    Regarding to that Jugo attack at 0:31, what if that attack is just like that? You know, since the first part of the chain looks like it hits left, but the second part of the attack hits right. So it might be that the first attack send the enemy is the other direction, and the second attack hits the other direction and knockbacks the enemy, like TS Sasuke's grab, in a sense? I find it unlikely that CC2 would make your moveset have D.I.
