Thursday, December 17, 2009

Rape by Alpha Counter

Ok we all have been playing for a while, some longer the others, but undoubtedly one of the best and most innovative new features is the "alpha counter".

Performed by holding block and taping O right as an opponents hit connects. It's great to push bulldogs away and the risk/reward isn't too bad either as an over use of such a technique can actually work against you since it stifles your Awakening meter by 25% (give or take). The meta-game gets changed a bit by it too since a person who is being overly defensive and just waiting for their chance to alpha counter can be susceptible to guard break which leads into ougi/jutsu and the like. Plus it deals out a little more damage then a shuriken toss so damage is not an issue.

But what happens if your character can't attack on block at all? I mean of course with the A.C. there is wayyyy more timing involved with it then a knj, but what if there wasn't?

Enter Neji and Kisame.

Apparently if you use a character who has rapid hits, you're dicked. The 2nd through 6th hit of his chain comes out in almost a perfect stream of attack, if you're blocking you can press O at almost anytime and he's countered, it takes very little timing and actually because he does hit in such a steady stream you can pretty much mash O and it's going down against him. Though he has a saving grace. His Forward+O,O chain is actually a much better alternative in almost every way. It comes out fast, has high priority and the hits chain fast enough to keep someone from dashing out of your combo as well. On block the timing to alpha counter it is about the same for a normal chain and 2 of them plus a single O is enough to cause guard crush. Plus for those that do want to use the neutral chain you always have the option of opening the attack with forward plus O, if it's blocked then you continue it and if it's not you can shuriken cancel and go into your normal chain which is safe on hit. There are still ways for Neji to get down, you just gotta be careful!

But Kisame? Not so lucky =(

This guy hits SOOOOOOOO many times in his chain that you can seriously tap O the second he hits your block and either your button press will counter the very first hit or the hit directly behind it because he hits so fast. And this puts the shark man in a very messed up position because ALL his ground attacks are this way, from his forward O to both his chains, which doesn't leave him a whole lot to work with.

He still has his GB (which can't be ac'd) but it is definitely too slow to really work with and it can be knj'd with almost the same amount of ease.

It seems the only way he'll be able to pull damage is from baby shark jutsu (which luckily auto aims if you knj after any one of the sharks hit you) and to stick to aerials, which ironically is more or less the way he was most effective in NA2, just not as dire as this.

Does it ruin the game? It doesn't at all, its just funny to me lol. Like it's assists all over again in the sense that somebody at CC2 had a great idea and dudes were like: "Yeah lets put it in!!" Not realizing it made it so you couldn't even hit grab without an assist blasting you or in this case not thinking about characters who can be ac'd 9.5/10 times lol.

Ahh, I mean it's only really 2 characters that suffer badly from it (plus a few with rapid hit chain enders) but I think this falls in line with CC2 normal mode of operation which is basically:

It was a good idea, but they didn't think it through fully.

-Rockman Out-

Saturday, December 12, 2009

NA3 Impressions part 2

Ok Im back after a nite of fucking around and I'll answer things as clearly as I can. If I miss anything let me know.

First and foremost, Chakra dash does not ignore block stun. We're pretty safe there lol.

Nextly dudes do have up, forward and Down+O. If you looked at the post right after my first initial one I was freaking out because people were able to do down+O into ougi if the guard breaking hit was blocked. The guard crush animation lasts THAT long! This explains why hinata and just about everybody else in the game has down+O's that are insanely slow, if you hit it in more cases then not that = free ougi.

Now there are some characters that get the short end of the stick here as they either have multiple hitting down+O's or their ougi is too slow to connect afterwards, but there are even ways around this if you look hard enough. For example, Sasuke's stupid down+O breaks guard then multi-hits. Whats worse is that you cannot cancel the initial break with anything but chakra dash and while thats good for some really serious untechable setups with his foward+O,O chain, you cant hit ougi from chakra dash.

So in traditional NA style he has to give himself a homemade setup. Basically you can down down+O and as it coming out tap triangle twice to setup the ougi, then dash cancel (foward,foward) right as its about to end and then hit ougi. Again in old school NA style you actually can set up a VERY small button lock here that allows you to chain ougi. This can actually be done MUCH easier if you activate your special item first (speed up).

Jutsu startup always deflects Shuriken. Does it defelect special items? Dunno yet as computer hasnt thrown one while I was doing jutsu.

Some jutsu deflect shuriken during the entire active time. Asuma's overhand right (his old down,down+O) actually deflects shurikens the entire time you're charging it up! So timing a jutsu against a shuriken cancelling opponent can be key.

The dashing system also plays a big part. Dash (foward, foward or back, back) can be used to cancel any attack where you could normally cancel jutsu, which means there are some points in attacks where you can't do it. Basically this is what setups most of the rush down and guard breaking situations in the game. If your opponent is waiting for the end of your chain or a certain point to leave or make their move, dash canceling in the middle of the chain to extend the combo can really throw off timing.

Becareful though as its not invincible and if that same person sees you dashing they can pop you with something to make you pay for doing it recklessly. Chakra dash "beats" regular dash, so if your opponent is prone to dashing away, a chakra dash will plow into them before they're able to block.

Dash can also be used to go through your opponent, so if you're pinned down in the corner and there's a small break in your opponents attack you can use dash to dash past them and out of the corner. Also pretty cool for dashing past an opponent in mid combo to throw off their sense of direction.

Also chakra dash cancels any move or attack INSTANTLY. So there are a lot of cool things you can do with it (namely with sasuke lol vid soon).

X-dash isn't cancelable anymore (sadface) but the game doesn't suffer from it with chakra dash kind and jutsu canceling shuriken there's a lot more to work with.

Some guys though honestly are just gonna have it hard and are gonna have to work the guard crush system to get anything done. For example, Sai is pretty ass without his grabs and a blocking opponent pretty much has the advantage on him, BUT his chains break guard extremely fast. Just 2 reps of Ox3 (basically up to the 4th hit right before the end of the chain) breaks guard and can leave your opponent open for an ougi. So a lot of his game against a defensive opponent is gonna come from rush down with foward+O to put the opponent into a position where they have to block chain and just being ready to bust out jutsu if they knj and go for shuriken or using chakra dash to chase down someone who is using regular dash to leave or tries to jump away from him.

Hurting an airborne opponent who's blocking is pretty nigh impossible at the moment, but it comes down to timing guard break so that they land in it and eat ougi, and cancel the guard break into chakra dash if you see them trying to throw shurikens or attack as you go for it, since chakra dash cancels any attack INSTANTLY.

I hear you einherjar but honestly if you haven't played it don't give up so easily. You'd be doing yourself a dis service as the game moves along and plays pretty damn good. A lot of new elaborate things made it in (using dash cancel to chain combos that you normally couldnt, using air chakra dash to keep the pressure on an opponent, dash priority battles, etc), you should at least give it a try.

Oh and Gai's air grab? It's an air grab.. cuz he's gai...

But oddly enough he isn't broken in this game! No air maxium entry, no foward+O~shuriken cancel nonsense as he has his nh3 foward+O this time around (though he does have the old foward+O in gates but its hard to cancel... though one blocked one and a shuriken breaks guard instantly lmao. But not so bad since you dont have ougi in awakening)! So for all you gai fans, your time has come, hes playable again =p.

-Rockman Out-

Friday, December 11, 2009

1st Impressions of NA3 Gameplay!

Finally the Rock has come back... To the blog lol

Seriously though just hear to let all the hardcore players know whats going down and what to be ready for..

Guys this is NOT your mama's NA.

In fact it's not NA at all, more like some bastard lovechild that came out of NUNS and NA2 having a baby. Now some people don't like bastard children but I'm all for change.. though there is a bit to swallow this time around.

First and foremost..


There are no grabs.

That's right, I said there are no grabs and honestly I'm not too upset about it. Again, crazy I know right? But that's because they added the NUNS style guard system here.

After your guard takes a couple of hits it starts to change color, from blue to green to yellow to finally red and then CRASH they're open for business. The guard crash animation is more like alpha 3 then nuns though. They slide backwards (like when the match starts) but not so far away that you can't hit them with a free ougi or jutsu as they;re open.

Can they KNJ from the crash? Not sure as it's only me and mah training mode getting it in but Im supposed to be adhoc-ing it up with my boy ryuuka tomorrow so we'll do some more reasearch.

Also different is that characters now only have 3 ground chains and 2 air chains.

On the ground its:

Ox3, Down+O
Ox3, Forward+O

and in the air:

Ox3 (or 4)

This is clearly so that you can use these chains in 4 player mode where as a Back+O chain would turn you around because of the way they made the game.

The new dashing system has a LOT of potential for funsies. Fowardx2 or Backx2 dashes you in that direction but you can also use these dashes to cancel moves. I've already messed around with Neji's new down+O aerial (the Ox3, back+O combo ender that pts neji has but in the air!). You can light jump and do it then forward dash cancel and hit another untechable one against the wall.

Chakra dash? Sexy. Full charged one puts you full across the stage and you can use it to cancel combos (as seen int he video). But much like nuns watch yourself. You start charging a chakra dash from far away, you have to commit to it! So if someone sees you coming be ready to eat whatever they feel like meeting you with if their timing is right!

There are a couple of other things I've found out but I need another person to really test the ebb and flow of the game.

Real talk though? It's going to take a WHOLE lot of getting used to. At the moment my biggest worry is people running away and turtling against characters who don't have an outright guard break chain. But foward, forward/back,back dash is NOT safe and you could definitely eat an ougi if your opponent anticipates you coming forward and chakra dash could easily catch a backdasher....

We'll see what's good.

I'm going back in!

-Rockman Out-


Hold up HOLD UP HOLD UP!!!

I'm wondering why everyone's guard break (down+O,O) chain is so slow now..

At the moment with at least naruto and sakura you can definitely go down+O, and then just Ougi your opponent on block....



Also Naruto lost Hold O fuuma and Sakura lost cartwheel (sadface for her)

-Rockman Out-

OH and there's also that "Blast Away" move we saw in the trailer that's really really similar to Ultimate Punch.

The guide says it's done by hitting R+O at the same time, but I can't get it to work either on block on straight up or anything.

I'm hoping its something that just busts open guard cuz an Alpha counter type move would definitely be too much power on the defensive side, even if you lose your transformation for it!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

3rd and Final NA3 video until December 3rd!

Or at least the last one we'll be getting from the BandaiNamco site =( .

Gah its a mere 29 days away and I'm dying to play!

Check it out!

As you can see the video shows off the double team jutsu of Kakashi and the 4th (Double Rasengan) as well as a glimpse at 2 of Juugo's aerial attacks and his awakening.

Double Team Moves

First off, as seen in previous videos, the double team moves are able to be performed when two characters who are actually able to do them are in the right proximity to one another (which can be seen by the "chakra tether" that connects the both of them). It looks pretty crazy as you can see in the video at exactly the 00:35 mark, you can be a pretty decent amount of space away from each other and still perform it. I wonder what happens when there's an enemy between you or if you do it from far away, do they both do the attack towards the enemy and "crush" him? Or do they just "teleport" and appear at their partners side? Either way that's pretty cool as you can use it for big damage or to "call" your partner to you if they're in some deep shit.

Juugo Aerials
We got to see two of his aerials and they both bounced the shit out of you lol. Though I really don't know which one is the down+O aerial as he has one that just slams you and another where he hits once first and then slams. Either way if he has an aerial jutsu he could be crazy with the untechables! I would comment on the awakening but as soon as it's put on, he gets ougi'd lol but its whatever.

Directional Influence
Bass kind of bought this up before in the idea or thought that when you shuriken cancel does it still track the person that knj'd? or always go forward on a count of there being more then one target in multiplayer...

Well this doesn't answer it but it could give some incite, (starting at 00:31 right as Juugo lands), it looks as if he does his up+O attack and then in mid attack turns and attacks the other way. Judging by this it seems that you can directional influence your attacks in mid motion. There are 2 questions though if that is the case. 1. Can you change directions on your attacks even on hit? or does it "lock" the direction on the target once the first hit catches them?


2. Is this also the case in 1v1?

I really doubt that it is. In 1v1 the game should (if cyberconnect is smart!) run the same as the original games with the same block locking, shuriken cancels, etc. mechanics as it did before since there aren't any other characters for you to attack. It certainly seemed that way in the first vid as naruto's X-dashes "tracked" kakashi everytime he did it.

Either way that could take some getting used to but it could actually make some of the characters who suck in 1v1 be pretty good in a multiplayer situation!


The 4th hits his ougi in the video and lets just get it out of the way, it was short and the music didn't change... so the fuck what.

I say this because I know that we're gonna be drowning in tears for the next few posts about it, but whatever. What you need to do is look at the ougi itself and whats changed. The "Seals" look completely easy, though it also looks like a race to see who hits them all first. This was seen in earlier scans but its good to see it in motion.

After the seals are over you can see who had the higher percent (though you can't see Juugo's because the video of the actors are in the way) and I guess the damage is doled out from there. What is very interesting though is the kanji that appears on the screen as every hit connects in the ougi.. I wonder, are those points where you can time your block or something like a knj and reduce damage? I could be blowing smoke but I wonder why that's there...

Also interesting is that after you hit ougi, red orbs pop out of the opponent and they actually give you life back! Now I really hope that this is in team mode only so that maybe your partner can pick up some of the health you dropped because, real talk, in 1v1 why the fuck should I get life after I already took maybe a third of yours? I'm just saying lol

I end this one as I end all my NA3 related posts...

December 10th can't come fast enough =(

-Rockman Out-

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The curious case of PTS Sasuke

So me and bass were talking the other day and we started talking who was really just top tier in nh3/the best pts guys. So were going down the list through the obvious guys (Itachi, Neji and all 3 of them boys in the green suits to name a few), but then he said Sasuke and I had to beg to differ.

True in nh3 Sasuke had sharingan for a super which totally replenished his chakra, plus made him a powered up and much faster version of you (unless he couldn't take your moves during which he became a much more OD version of himself) AND the devastating X-Dash, nuetral O ~ Ougi setup, but there was something about sasuke that I'd told bass a million times and maybe her forgot: for all intents and purposes sasuke can't hit you.

Now I don't mean you can move in such a way where he can't hit you and I'm not talking about some zen-like way at looking at things, I mean seriously if you do one simple thing the guy can't hit you. Now I'm aware that a lot of you probably haven't realized this and if you did then this is for those still in the dark.

The trick to totally and utterly shutting down pts sasuke is.....

Hold Block.

I'm serious, that's it. Now I know it sounds like a pro-tip but I do have a little more sense then that. Pay attention you guys...

At this point in the game I'm sure you're all familiar with the games "option select" system when you're holding block. We talked about it in the latest episode of Rendan Radio, but basically its a feature in the game that makes it so if you're holding block and you do anything else at the same time? Then in certain situations the game will "choose" the better option and do it for you.

There's no better example of this then holding down the block button and pressing jump. If you press jump while holding down block you'll jump, but if someone were to attack you right as you left the ground the game would automaticaly cancel what ever you were doing and block for you.

There are other situations where the "option select" works out as well, but this example in particular is the reason why pts sasuke can never hit you.

None of his chains have guard breaking enders so right there you don't have anything to worry about, but even his other options for getting to you are totally worthless.

Basically you can hold block against sasuke and tap the X-Button after every hit in his chain. If he tries to get slick and stop the chain to grab you or gaurd break you'll jump right out of the way 100% of the time, and he's actually at a disadvantage if you jump out of the way of his breaker as it leaves him open to an X-dash or D.I.'d hawk from characters such as pts lee and pts neji.

Granted he could square cancel the Ox3,down+O chain and go for a guaranteed breaker or throw, but even if he did it 100% of the time the breaker is extremely easy to knj and if they tech it your hope for any real damage is lost. Also winning a game with throws only is highly unlikely, even if it wasn't also very easy to knj.

I'm probably gonna put a video up this weekend depicting just exactly all the things I'm talking about in detail

(Watch this space for vid)

Now am I saying he's the worst guy in the game? Or that he can't win? No way. You just are gonna have a much harder time then anyone else and you have to be very patient.

You wanna use hawks to play footsies with your opponent, get them to a place where they're annoyed with being pinned down or having to block and they start to come into the air after you. Sasuke's aerial nuetral O has insane priority and can just be kind of thrown out there to stuff anything the opponent throws at you. Take the fight to the air, if you hit a combo and bounce them off the wall that's an opportunity for way more damage then you'd get from trying to have a ground game.

Also be very mindful of your opponents attack patterns, namely when they throw shurikens. Since its going to be really hard to just outright attack someone who knows to just block against sasuke, you have to make openings. Luckily sasuke is fast enoungh to hit X-dash, nuetral O, then hit the ground and go into any chain you see fit. You'll be tempted to just hit X-dash, nuetral O~Ougi but watch yourself and make sure you can end the match with it or put the opponent in a position to be finished off quickly there after because as you should know CS1 drains life and more importantly leaves you chakra-less at the end of the mode. CS2 is another option if your life is low and I would say go with it as he has better defense and much more options to inflict damage with then normal sasuke, but be mindful of your chakra as it takes 2 lvls to land. CS2 or not, it doesn't matter if you don't have any chakra.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

PSP TV and Controller Solutions

Ok so we did this once and it got erased. This time I'm making quite a few backups so it doesn't happen again! lol.

With the announcement of NA3 for the psp there's been one question that a lot of people keep asking: "how can I play this on a big screen?", well actually its more people just crying about it not being on ps3 or ps2, but you get the gist.

The psp 2000,3000 and Go editions all have tv-out, but the problem is that they only output the picture in a tiny box that doesn't even take up 50% of the screen. This is pretty annoying as well as not very efficient for recording matches as you'd have to crop & stretch the picture to make it fullscreen and the result is anything but pretty.

But fear not! In this guide I'm going to outline the 3 best ways of going about having your na3 on a big screen, in fullscreen , as well as a few other tricks to help you get a ps2 controller rocking or fine tune the controls on your psp to be just right.

Keep in mind this guide is only to give you controller and tv solutions. If the method requires you to have custom firmware you have to look elsewhere for a guide to hacking your psp.

We'll be using unh2 as the example for the controls, since well, na3 isn't out yet.

So without further ado, here are the methods to getting na3 on your tv!

(Note: The original guide had 2 other entries, the camera that snaps on the screen and the wireless psp to tv adaptor, both weren't really relevant and were kind of thrown in there for fun, but if you want info about them just ask in this thread & I'll help any way I can.)

Fusa plugin

Things needed- CFW PSP 2000/3000, Component or Composite tv-Out wires.
Download and directions @ -

The fusa plugin for cfw psp starts our list of psp to tv solutions. The program itself is a free plugin that you use to get the psp to show the picture in fullscreen on your tv! Its relatively easy to use as the latest version automatically detects when you put the tv-out cable in and you're ready to go.

There's a menu you can access by hitting the volume up & volume down buttons at the same time, that can toggle things such as framerate (which I wouldn't touch because games run at fullspeed as it is) and video mode (so that you can tell it to output in progressive or interlaced).

The picture itself is only "meh". Its not horrible but its not the best option when it comes to outputing at fullscreen. Its very pixelated..

Here's a video of it in action, though to be honest you can't really see how bad it is here. But trust me when I say this is the lowest quality image of them all.

This method is indeed the easiest and even though the picture quality leaves something to be desired its still almost unbeatable because its for the low low price of free!

Pros- Free (besides the cost of tv-out cable), Easy to install

Cons- Picture quality isn't the best.


Things needed- PSP with CFW, a computer, a ps2 to usb controller converter (if you want to use the ps2 controller), a usb mini-b (psp usb wire)

Download -

The remote joy method does the job pretty well too and is also free but there's quite a few steps you have to go through to make it work, then a few more steps if you want it on you tv screen, and even more steps still if you want to use the ps2 controller on it and record matches!

All these steps are far too much for this humble guide, but I'll help you out with a link or two to get you started:

The picture quality is pretty good, a good amount better then fusa, you can check out how it looks in my unh2 sasuke tutorial:

As you can see the picture is pretty decent and gets the job done. And you can play it in full screen, I just used letterbox for the video.

The only downside is that to hook it up to a television your desktop or laptop has to have a tv-out function so that it can play on your television. Not such a bad idea in theory though if you have a laptop, but if you only have a desktop it'd be a real pain in the ass to move it into the living room every time you wanted to play ninjas!

Good part is though if you have a ps2 to usb controller converter you can use the ps2 controller to play the game with. The newest version of remotejoy allows you to map the buttons as you see fit through the on screen menu.

This function is a little weird though as I've heard people report, as well as experienced myself, that there's a small amount of delay between the button presses and the movement on screen, but you can try it yourself and be the judge of that!

Pros- Free, Great picture quality

Cons- A bit cumbersome to get up and running, Not very practical


Things needed: PSP 2000 or 3000, Component tv-out cables, a tv that allows vga input, or monitor, vga to tv converter (optional)

Buy it here:


Now this is what's gonna give you the best picture for your money, though the operable word there is "money". Though not free like the other two methods, the psp to vga box is without doubt the best way to get your psp up on the tv at the best quality possible.

The way it works is that the box itself takes the psp component output and translates it into a vga signal. Seeing as most hd/lcd tvs have vga input this allows it hook directly into your tv sets. Next on the box is a zoom button which zooms the screen into full frame at the touch of a button! The picture blows up almost flawlessly and looks amazing.

A few months ago when I got it I went by X-Raded's house and we tried it out on his 40+ inch tv and it still looked good, so that's saying something! You can output the sound by stereo wire that comes with the box and can also plug directly into your television, and if you don't have a stereo input on your tv you can buy a $2 stereo to rca wire to get the job done.

There's also a button to set the resolution to which ever one works best on your display, as well as a "to pc" button which allows you to switch between the psp and your pc if you're using the box on a standard computer monitor and are sharing the monitor with the computer.

In the video I'm going to show you the aspect ratio is off, but that's because I didn't set the right resolution on my tv & the psp box, but you'll still get a good idea of what it looks like.

NOTE: The picture quality is a bit degraded because I had to use a vga to composite converter to record matches, but on your tv screen it looks amazing!

The box outputs at 720p. (I thought differently at first, but going to the companys site I found out that it upscales the psp's 480p output to 720p).

There's also an hdmi version but the picture quality is exactly the same for a much more expensive price. But you're welcomed to check it out, it's listed on the same page as the link I've provided for the vga version.

All in all at $37.49 if you're a stickler for picture or just want a better alternative that doesn't need custom firmware, I'd say pick this one up!

Pros- Great picture, Nice options for resolution, 480p

Cons- Not free like the other 2 alternatives

Bonus Stage

image name

image name

Things needed: Psp 1000 (phat), Iron will

Buy from:

Installation by Rockman through Digital Solace available soon.
($75 installation fee)


Ok, first and foremost -

That aside, gotta say I love my psp2tv!

The picture quality fits somewhere in between the fusa and remotejoy method, but the obvious killer feature of this mod is the addition of the ps2 controller!

Also the mod is still small enough to be portable so if you wanted to you could bring it along to a tournament or a friends house and play matches using your control pad. Couple this with the macrofire plugin for cfw (more on that later) and you can actually remap the buttons so that its EXACTLY like the ps2 version!

Yup, you can add two blocks to both the L2 and R2 buttons and two item switches to L1 and R1 for UNH2! And whatever scheme you see fit for NA3 when it drops!

Though the installation process should not be taken lightly, I recently just modded a 2nd psp2tv so that when people come over we can have 2 ppl using ps2 controllers and I have to say its still as hard, if not harder, then I remember it when I did the first one years ago.

If you're willing to take the challenge its completely and utterly worth it. The controls are crisp and delay free, though the picture is still just average.

Pros- Flawless ps2 controller usage, small enough to take to tournaments.

Cons- Picture is just OK, See installation video.

Finding controls that's right for you

I said it before and I'll say it again, some people do honestly have a gripe about it being on a smaller screen, but a lot of people are just complaining because with only 1 block button they're not able to mash out dem knjs. Its ok, we all mash from time to time, some ppl base there whole game on it while other use it for rapid hitting moves that make no sense to time.

Either way one block button does limit you from what you like, so I've included this small guide to give you a way to set your buttons any way you see fit. All you need is a cfw psp and a little plugin called macrofire.


Things needed: psp with cfw

Download here-


Now I know I said I wouldn't be giving out tutorials on how to set things up or install things but I'll make an exception for this one as it can be a bit confusing if you're not used to these type of things.

-First you wanna download and uncompress the macrofire file and then hook up your psp via usb.

-Next you want to go to the root of your memory stick and open the SEPLUGINS folder, if there isn't one there then you need to make one.

-Now inside that folder, again if they don't already exist, create POPS.txt, GAME.txt, and VSH.txt text files. Then open and add this line in all three:


-Then copy the files "macrofire.prx" & "macrofire.ini" from the download and paste them in the SEPLUGINS folder.

-Exit usb mode and turn off your psp, when you turn it on hold the R button and this will bring you into recovery mode. From here you scroll down to plugins and enter that menu. You should see these 3 lines in there:


-Enable all three by selecting them and pressing X. Then select "go back" and then "exit"

Gratz, you just installed macrofire!

Next load up the game you want to play and while in game press the vol up & vol down buttons at the sametime, this will bring you to the macrofire menu! (Note: you can change the buttons that bring up the menu inside the macrofire.ini file)

Now this is where the fun starts!

(Pro-tip: O selects menu options, X cancels Japanese style)

You can make manual remaps either through the program itself or on your computer, but its definitely something you can figure out on your own, just tooling around. If anyone needs help with it though I'll gladly tack on a tutorial.

I've enclosed a remap that I created for unh2, what it does is it sets both L and R to block and sets Select to item switch.

UNH2 Remap File -

To use just start up macrofire and go to "remap settings" then when in the Remapping buttons list press the R button to go to the field that contains "Load, Save and Clear". Scroll down and select load, then pic the SSR.INI file from the memory stick root and press O, then press start to go back to the previous menu. Next press X to go back to the main menu and turn the MacroFire Engine to "ON". Then just hit start to return to the game and enjoy!

Don't like it at select? Maybe you could set item switch to analog? The possibilities are pretty much endless! With this program in conjunction with psp2tv (two block buttons, two item switches) to have the perfect console experience on your portable ninjas!


So that's about the it. NA3 is a comin'

-Rockman Out-

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rendan Radio Episode 4 Link!

Well it's here!

A bit rougher then before with no background music and both me and bass talking on different sound channels (one of is in the left speaker, the other one in the right.. Think of us as your two best friends talking on either side of you! Bass words, not mine...) but it's here!

Check it out and lemme know what you think!

-Rockman Out-

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rendan Radio Episode 4!!!

After the 50 billionth try (actually more like 5th lol) me and Bass finally got a show in the can! Needs to be edited to have some background music on it but otherwise it's good to go!

We did it over skype, which is actually pretty godlike, and everything went down without a hitch! Maybe we can use this to have ppl call into the show sometime in the future!

I'll post the link here as soon as it gets done!

-Rockman Out-

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So it's come to this...

Welcome to Rockman's Rants, my personal blog for all things Narutimate. With NA3 coming out at the end of December as well as the site re-launching, I thought I'd make a place on the web for me to share my thoughts, opinions and random blurbs that would otherwise be to random to fit in any particular section on the forums.

The biggest reason for this blog though is to archive any informational and otherwise lengthy posts that might get erased if a certain web provider fucks up again!! lol

So for my first trick, I'm gonna re-post the guide on doing custom soundtracks on the psp.

For my next trick I'm going to have to re-write the psp to tv guide as I didn't save it =( .

-Rockman Out-

PSP Custom Soundtrack Guide-

Day after day NA3 is looking to be more and more like the good ol' 2D action we've come to love and miss from the NH/NA heayday. Besides the obvious, the only that seemed to be missing was the custom soundtrack.. But we got that covered too!

With this guide I'll explain how to change the music on UNH2 as well as any other psp game, which of course applies to NA3! Even if you don't change the music on your copy of UNH2 you can use this guide to get the files ready so that when NA3 finally does release you can just change your files to the appropriate names and drop them into your copy!

To do this you need -

A psp capable of custom firmware so that it can run ISO files

An ISO of UNH2 (easily created from an actual copy of the game if you have custom firmware, or find somewhere to download one)

Goldwave, ATRAC3 codec, Gwat3 looping tool and UMD Gen
All these files available here-

The first step is pretty self explanatory, just install goldwave to your computer.

Afterwards we need to unzip the file called and you want to double click on the "atrac3.exe" file which will install the atrac3 codec onto your computer.

Now restart your computer so that the changes take place. (Some people claim they don't have to, but I did before it worked on my computer).

Ok now that we have that done you want open up goldwave and load the music track that you want to put into your game. Here are the list of filenames that are on the umd so you know what to name your song so that it plays at the correct time in the game:

Modesel.at3 - mode select screen
Charasel.at3 - character select screen
loby.at3 - wireless lobby
btl_before2.at3 - team order select
Stage00.at3 - Ichiraku Ramen
Stage01.at3 - Homage Great Stone Faces
Stage02.at3 - Chuunin Exam Stadium
Stage03.at3 - Kikyo Castle Keep
Stage04.at3 - The Forest of Death
Stage05.at3 - Survival Exercise Ground
Stage06.at3 - Hidden Leaf Hot Spring
Stage07.at3 - Hidden Leaf Forest (treetops)
Stage08.at3 - Outside the Mugenjo
Stage09.at3 - Inside the Mugenjo
Stage10.at3 - Unused (Incase you guys see it and wonder what stage its for)
btl_win.at3 - Win Music

After you've loaded goldwave you need to open up the track that you want to use for the game. MP3, WMA, etc. Goldwave accepts almost any file format so you should be good with whatever you put in. Use goldwave to edit it however you see fit, and when you're finished you want to go to "save as" and follow these steps:

[1]"Save in" = to save the file where you want.
[2]"File name" = make the name of the file to whatever music you wish it to be.
[3]"Save as type" = must be in .wav
[4]"Attributes" = Any of the 3 ATRAC file formats is fine, obviously the bigger the kpbs you pick the bigger the file size will be, but so will the quality. I personally use the highest setting since I have a big enough memory stick, but you're free to experiment.

Next you want to follow the same steps for the rest of the songs in the game. When you are done you should have wav files of all the songs you've made. Now we want to take all those files and rename the file extensions from wave to at3. (I.E. stage01.wav becomes stage01.at3 and so on.)

Now you're files are all ready to be looped!

Next we open up the GWAT3 looping tool. Extract the contents of the rar file and double click on GWAT3.exe . This'll open up the tool. It's pretty easy from here, just drag and drop all the files onto the tool and hit the "goldwave" button.


When the program is finished it should output another set of files with the prefix "looped" in front of it. (I.E. if you throw in modesel.at3 it'll output as looped-modesel.at3).

These files are the ones you want to put in the game, so erase all the other files and remove the "looped-" from the front of the files that were created by GWAT3.

Next you want to get the ISO of UNH2 and open it up using any ISO reading program.

UltraISO, MagicISO and a few others should work just fine, but you can even use regular old Winrar to extract the files out. Once you open up the ISO you should see a folder marked "PSP_Game" and "UMD_Data.bin", extract both these things and put them somewhere that you can get to them. The next step is to take all the new at3 files that you just created and put them in the games "bgm" folder (which is located from: PSP_GAME -> USRDIR -> sound -> bgm).

It'll ask you if you want to replace these files, of course hit "yes to all" and let them copy in.

PRO-TIP: The entire games music files are stored here. The game has some really sick bgm music for the fights that are in story mode only, its a wonder they didnt just use those for VS mode, but if you want to you can just extract em, rename em and use them for your music selection! Since theyre already premade theres no work, just rename and put them back in! Also the sounds for the Ougis (both American and Japanese) are in there. All files that start with "d0" are ougi sounds in Japanese and "d0e" is english. If you want you can change what people say or what music plays during their ougi!

Son now that we're done with that you have to recompile the ISO so that it will actually play on your PSP.

Next you want to etract the umdgen zip and open up the UMDGen program.


This is VERY straightfoward. Just take the two files (PSP_GAME folder and UMD_Data.bin) and drag them into the field on UMDGEN that says "no items to show".

Then you just want to go to "File" and hit "Save". Rename the disc to whatever you want to call it and VIOLA that's it! You've made your own custom soundtrack version of UNH2!

One down.. many more to go