Monday, July 19, 2010

Been a long time.. I shouldna left you...


Been quite a while as I'm seeing the last time I posted something up here was December of '09, before the great Narutimate depression- and yes by that I mean NA3.


What a disappointment that was =( . So much so that it almost single handedly killed the entire NH/NA scene! I mean btwn NUNS not cutting the mustard and NA3 being all but unplayable in a serious competitive setting, people felt forced back into NA2 and let me tell you from my experience on this Earth that people don't like being forced to do anything no matter how much it might be good for em'.

So some time passed and even though we kept playing the rest of the world pretty much stopped.. chaos ensued. Some put on NUNS for a laugh or just to have fun playing a game that isn't tourney worthy but by God is still where it's at for them and I don't hate on those people. Some continue to live in denial about how shitty NA3 is and try to sell everyone else on the idea that if you win in that game there is some sort of skill involved, those people? I actually have a good amount of hate for. Just die.. please.

But here we are! Almost 9 months later and NA2 has made a comeback! Not that it's back to the old days of Foxhound vs Anbu and the crooked jester monthly tournament era, but slowly but surely we're getting there and from what I seem we're getting there with MUCH stronger players this time around as the people that are here now are 500% here to play!

Me and Bass have recently implemented a ranking system and much of whats going on with that can be seen in the threads over at Just a beta at the moment but we hope it'll give way to a bigger site/worldwide ranking system where the winners at the end of every season can score plane tickets to the big dance over in the states, thanks to your friendly neighborhood ANBU players!

Also ont he horizon is an idea I have brewing in my head called "Tournament no Jutsu: Gigantic Battle!", yeah.. it's gonna be the shit!

So stay tuned! It feels so good to be baaaaack!

-Rockman Out-

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